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An Indie Game - Murder Mystery - Name Unknown yet.

Hi there! I am Vishwajeet, and am developing my first planned indie game - You can contact me - Winz#0235 discord ID.

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Enjoy Reading the game story!

Hello Reader! Hope you enjoy the storyline! or not, whatever is fine. i appreciate how ideas how to improve this story more the appreciation xD


Game Story - Murder Mystery Visual Novel
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Hey reviewer! hope you enjoyed this story, please feel free to contact Winz#0235 for the story that'd be more helpful lol it's only this much done, I'm now looking for a 200iq play story by the detective since the killer is too powerful to tell me if you have any suggestions. Whoever gives the best one to me, I will give em 10 million dank memer coins on discord (it's a discord bot in case you're not aware of it.) The idea must be appealing to me and nice.

I didn't decide any names so I wrote person 1,2, etc

KuNeKi#5585 on discord helped me with names and the feedback and these are those -

Person 1 = A nerd with glasses = Peter

Person 2 = dude = randall

Person 3 = Killer = Jerry

Person 4 = Alcoholic = Bert

Person 5 = The guy wanting revenge = Joe. (not mama xDDD)

Person 6 = The one being controlled by the killer = Alfred

Any more suggestions on the name would also be helpful though I think this is "noise".

yeah, I've not written more, cuz the killer is too powerful. my theory is that of the death note anime.

I took the concept from an anime - Death Note

The killer can anyone by writing their name while remembering their face in the notebook.

They can control the person before death.

So, Person 6 was controlled.

and how he got the guns is a mystery. (well i made it a mystery)

And the sprite credit of the blog here goes to, and he is the one whose assets I'm using. in the game as well. He makes really cool pixel art!

Thank you!

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